Sunday, January 7, 2018

My 2017 Personal Journey

2018 began this week, and I've been giving a lot of thought about my plans for this year. As I've done so, I began to reflect upon my accomplishments for what I did last year and I'd thought I would share what I've learned.

2017 was a very productive, insightful, and exciting year filled with many new opportunities for me. As I watched myself overcome challenges, stand my ground, and create a completely different life for myself, I began to step into my true power. Doing this allowed me to cultivate a new relationship with myself and show myself who I am rather than who I thought I was.

Beginning with a painful growth period, I learned to grow and accept myself for my flaws. I also learned to stand up for myself, appreciate myself , and the little things that life has to offer. I learned to take on more responsibility, create a schedule, speak up for myself, say 'no', establish boundaries, embrace my uniqueness, create more by journaling and blogging on here, and fully accept myself and others.

I also learned the importance of taking care of myself on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. I have an increased interest in eating healthy, doing yoga, meditating, journaling, and surrounding myself with positive people. I truly feel that I have helped myself adjust to a new way of life by doing all these things for myself. Now, I want to help others do the same.

From this experience, I realized the power of self-healing. It has influenced my decision to want to go into the field of psychology. I realized that by healing myself from certain experiences, letting go of old thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me, and by listening to my friends' problems and giving advice, I could really help people in my profession. This has led me to want to become a life coach when I am older.

As I have learned, grown, and experienced so much about myself in 2017, I stepped into my true power. Now, I am ready to share my insights and knowledge with all you. I intend to share more posts based on personal experiences on here. Here's to another great year!

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