Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Phone Usage

Starting on New Year's day, I began to set limits with my phone. I noticed that during the month of December, I would use my phone too much and it became a distraction. Once I realized this, I began changing how I used my phone. I wanted to start using my phone with intention, so I stopped using it  during meals. Another factor that led me to this decision was that I spent way too much time on social media. I also wanted to begin using my phone in ways that interested me-not ways that distracted me. So, after a week of having no Wi-Fi and no cellular data in a foreign country, I made the decision to make some changes in my mindset and my phone usage.

When I began to not use my phone during meals, everything changed. I instantly began to form a new relationship with my food, I was less anxious, and I felt more present. It was a little weird, at first, just sitting in silence while eating my breakfast the first time when I did this, but it was worth it. I began to shift my attention from the productivity of eating to how I felt while I was eating. In other words, I started listening to my body, and stopped focusing on the fact that I was eating just to be doing something. Also, focusing on my food allowed me to enjoy it more and have more appreciation for it. I didn't feel like I needed anything to take my attention away from that, because I felt content in those moments.

Because I stopped using my phone at meals, I stopped using my phone at other times during the day. I stopped using it in school for the most part, after I had already scrolled through Instagram or Twitter once during the day, before I would go to bed, and when I would wake up. I filled in those times of the day doing other things, like journaling, yoga, meditation, and focusing more on school work. 

During this time, I began to view my phone as a tool. I started to use it in ways that helped me instead of distracting me. I began to find things, like podcasts, that interested me.  I also started to place more importance on texting people over scrolling through social media. I also would not go on social media as a reward when I finished my homework, because I started realizing that just focusing on anything in the present was a reward itself.

Making this kind of change allowed me to focus and feel better. I am much more present, alert, less anxious, and content without using my phone that much. I highly recommend trying this.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Attachment and the Need For Control-My Experience

The other day, I listened to  an episode of a podcast by Mind Body Musings. The episode covered a topic which I had been thinking about for awhile, connection verses attachment. It was so inspiring and impacted me in a profound way. Now, I am evaluating whether I am connected or attached to certain things.

I bring up the fact that I listened to this episode on the podcast because I've had certain experiences where I needed to learn what I can and cannot control. Yesterday and this morning felt very chaotic-like I couldn't control what was going on in my life. I had to work on two projects for school until the last minute, I didn't know that I had an AP Psychology test today, and I was assigned more homework than I expected. It wasn't until one of my friends told me that it wasn't in my control of my test being scheduled today, that it hit me. I'm not in control of what happens to me, but I sure can control how I react.

So, I made the best of certain situations today. I took two tests that I didn't feel prepared for and accepted the fact that I'll have to change up my afternoon routine.

Having these experiences today allowed me to let go completely of attachments I was holding onto. I learned that I don't need to control everything outside of me in order to be happy, and that it's okay if it feels like my life is falling apart. When this happens, it gives me the opportunity to work on myself by allowing myself to completely be in the moment and let go of anything that isn't serving me.

Lastly, when I let go of these things that kept weighing me down, I allowed myself to receive new opportunities. One of these things was finding out that the AP Psychology test isn't going on this quarter's grade. If I had gone to the nurse and pretended to be sick during it, I would've missed this opportunity to not risk my grade from going down.

So, I'm glad that I managed to experience these events while maintaining good control of myself.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

My 2017 Personal Journey

2018 began this week, and I've been giving a lot of thought about my plans for this year. As I've done so, I began to reflect upon my accomplishments for what I did last year and I'd thought I would share what I've learned.

2017 was a very productive, insightful, and exciting year filled with many new opportunities for me. As I watched myself overcome challenges, stand my ground, and create a completely different life for myself, I began to step into my true power. Doing this allowed me to cultivate a new relationship with myself and show myself who I am rather than who I thought I was.

Beginning with a painful growth period, I learned to grow and accept myself for my flaws. I also learned to stand up for myself, appreciate myself , and the little things that life has to offer. I learned to take on more responsibility, create a schedule, speak up for myself, say 'no', establish boundaries, embrace my uniqueness, create more by journaling and blogging on here, and fully accept myself and others.

I also learned the importance of taking care of myself on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. I have an increased interest in eating healthy, doing yoga, meditating, journaling, and surrounding myself with positive people. I truly feel that I have helped myself adjust to a new way of life by doing all these things for myself. Now, I want to help others do the same.

From this experience, I realized the power of self-healing. It has influenced my decision to want to go into the field of psychology. I realized that by healing myself from certain experiences, letting go of old thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me, and by listening to my friends' problems and giving advice, I could really help people in my profession. This has led me to want to become a life coach when I am older.

As I have learned, grown, and experienced so much about myself in 2017, I stepped into my true power. Now, I am ready to share my insights and knowledge with all you. I intend to share more posts based on personal experiences on here. Here's to another great year!